Gallon to Cubic Meters (m³) Conversion
Convert gallons to cubic meters quickly and easily.
Gallon Converter
Conversion Information
1 Gallon = 0.00378541 cubic meters
To convert gallons to cubic meters, multiply the number of gallons by 0.00378541.
Trending Gallon to Cubic meters Conversions
1 Gallon to cubic meters
0.00 cubic meters
5 Gallons to cubic meters
0.02 cubic meters
10 Gallons to cubic meters
0.04 cubic meters
20 Gallons to cubic meters
0.08 cubic meters
50 Gallons to cubic meters
0.19 cubic meters
100 Gallons to cubic meters
0.38 cubic meters
250 Gallons to cubic meters
0.95 cubic meters
500 Gallons to cubic meters
1.89 cubic meters
1000 Gallons to cubic meters
3.79 cubic meters
Other Gallon Conversion Tools
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Gallon to Cubic Meters (m³)
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Gallon to Quarts (qt)
Gallon to Pints (pt)
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Gallon to Barrels (oil)
Gallon to Imperial Gallons
Gallon to Tablespoons
Gallon to Teaspoons
Gallon to Cubic Inches
Gallon to Cubic Centimeters
Gallon to Cubic Yards
Gallon to Acre-feet
Gallon to Drams
Gallon to Gills
Gallon to Pecks
Gallon to Bushels
Gallon to Hogsheads
Gallon to Firkins
Gallon to Kiloliters
Gallon to Hectoliters
Gallon to Dekaliters
Gallon to Deciliters
Gallon to Centiliters
Gallon to US Dry Gallons
Gallon to UK Pints
Gallon to UK Fluid Ounces